so here are some cartoons that didn't make it to completion for various reasons:, made for a collab that fizzled out
Another one made for a collab that fizzled out, voiced by Luckydee
This one came about after watching the Daicon IV opening animation, I wanted to test out animating shifting perspectives, I didn't have any plans for what should happen in the cartoon and I gave up on it
This one's pretty fun, it's an early unused credits sequence for Scrabble Strike Nautical, in the style of the Panty and Stocking credits sequence. It must be based on an earlier version of the script, because Dead Jim won't actually appear until episode 2, which is currently in development hell. If I had to guess I'd say I gave up on this due to copyright music being banned on Newgrounds, but honestly I don't remember
Man, I used to be funny. I still am, but I used to be aswell
uhh, that's about it
hiv positive lol