I have completed my draft for the Jump comic Contest, I drafted it in Adobe Animate which I don't usually do, usually I use an exercise book but this makes it way easier to move panels around and it worked out pretty good.
That one will probably be done in grey pencil.
Kerfuffle Crescendo is still being casted in secret for now. I've been thinking about the visual side of it, I was considering using rigged animation but since most of the scenes are just a few characters standing around talking I'll probably have a few mouth symbols with each viseme and a canned blinking animation and just put a line boil on the bodies. It'll also probably be outlines only and when there is actual animation it'll be on like threes or something. I'd need to average 7 seconds of animation per day to get it done in 2 years*, which aint that bad, I was hitting higher than that on some of the days I was working on MILF MISCHIEF 7. You add animation recycling and a couple lengthy monologues where I pan across a static room into the mix and it's even more plausible.
Everything else I've ever namedropped is still happening (except 'Poker? I Hardly Know'er!' which got absorbed into Kerfuffle Crescendo). 'Breakdown Frame' will be probably be partially re-written again and renamed to 'Good Golly Miss Molly**' and potentially might be a comic instead of a cartoon.
Everything is still gonna happen eventually, I'm just a bit of a bitch with productions, most egregiously (so far) is the year long hiatus between finishing the race scenes in Yahtzee Burst Aquatic and starting the entire rest of the fucking cartoon.
*2 years from when I start animating, not 2 years from writing this post
**I've been naming a lot of my female characters from 1950's rock n' roll songs recently