I fucking love this website
I fucking love this website
I printed out my entire soyjak folder and now I can't stop winning arguments
I loved the death metal part, it's kind of weird to see you shill your youtube memberships on a newgrounds upload though
very cool use of perspective
Thank you!
laughed my ass off when Sex Luther started using his dick as a weapon
violence against women will never not be funny
5/5 for the bane quotes
"please leave your comments and thoughts on the video. Anything helps us grow as creators and make better content in the long run"
alright, but only because you asked for it, the animation kinda sucks, I get that it's a stylized choice but still, not my thing. Anyway the main joke of the weeb guy being a creep isn't bad, but I feel you could've made the joke work better by
one: having a longer buildup of suggesting normal rational ideas before launching inot his perverted weeb bullshit, he suggests a female protaginist, then titties as his second suggestion, bit too big of an escalation too quickly
two: have the creepy weeb guy be not so obviously a creepy weeb at first, right from the start the delivery of the lines portrays him as a creep, which means the reveal later isn't all too surprising, if you can guess the punchline from the first line of the joke, then it's not a very good joke
there is some good stuff in here, like the weeb guy departing from the realism the suggestions have built up to go to nonsensical fantasy land with the fanta sweat gland suggestion. I also like the joke of the weeb guy getting hired for working on successful TV shows, even though his work was only delivering coffee to actors. Personally I would've gone with a flashback scene, spilling coffee on a guy's dick is more of a visual slapstick sorta thing than a joke that's best delivered through words
Circle head and square head work well enough as the straight men, though they have pretty much the same personalities so having the two of them is somewhat redundent
Nice ending too, I would've had triangle head rip his shirt off, revealing an anime shirt underneath.
I like the use of camera zoom-ins for emphasis, that's a nice touch. I also like the voice acting, except for weeb guy (as stated above), but I think that's more of a directing fuck-up than the fault of the actor
Anyway yeah, pretty okay stuff, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next
pretty good action at times, you have to be more conscious of weight while animating, a lot if the impacts don't feel very.... impactful, the kick for example, the leg needs to accelerate more, meaning more frames as it begins moving, and less frames after it gets going. Also squash and stretch, when she lands on the ground after breaking the through the window she should squash down slightly for a frame. There's also not much use of anticipation, you should be leading action be first going in the opposite direction, an example being the leg 19 seconds in, if it moved left before going right offscreen, the audience would be able to tell, the way it is now isn't well directed, though the dust clouds are a nice touch. Oh yeah and that run cycle is one of the worst I've seen. Anyway, despite my criticisms, definietely keep animating, Alan Becker has a set of tutorials on the basic principles of animation, and there's also Richard Willliams' book
The problem I have with this one was I chose to do draw on the slides themselves while my older animations were done on sketch pad then I just transferred it the animation program and either traced them into the slides or just animate them the way they were.
Also thanks for critique
A man of talent and of good clean sense,
Who speaks with polished air-
On silver floods of his own eloquence
He floats to God knows where
Phallus Wielder
Cool Dude
Joined on 4/3/20